Terms of use


The website www.bisqueworkshop.com constitutes the electronic presence and availability of products via the internet, which belongs to the Greek company with the name "GRAINCA HASHIM". The headquarters of the company is located at 5 VAKRATSA in Skopelos, Magnesia, with VAT NUMBER  140496860.

The present conditions are fully compatible with the applicable European and Greek law, while the users recognize the right of the company to change the provisions of these conditions, insofar as they do not concern binding legal obligations and without affecting completed situations.

If for reasons of force majeure (natural disasters, weather conditions, national health protection reasons, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products you have ordered, we will inform you in time by phone or e-mail to ascertain if you want your order shipped right away.

The store "GRAINCA HASHIM." (www.bisqueworkshop.com) bears no responsibility for any situation beyond its fault and will do everything humanly possible to best serve you


All prices quoted for products available through Bisque Workshop include 24% VAT and do not include shipping or cash on delivery costs. These prices apply to the products, but also to the quantities, provided they are available and sufficient, while Bisque Workshop reserves the right to change the prices of the products sold without prior notice.


Placing an order through the Bisque Workshop e-shop constitutes a distance sales contract regulated by the legislative framework of Law 2251/1994, as amended. It constitutes a binding offer to purchase the products in question at the total price indicated when submitting the order, including VAT, packaging and shipping costs, other applicable charges and any discounts to which you are entitled as a guest/customer.

You can place a valid order through the Bisque workshop e-shop, provided you are legally competent in accordance with the articles of the Greek Civil Code, (as long as you have completed the eighteenth year of your age and are not in judicial custody regarding the conclusion of a sales contract ). Orders can also be placed by representatives of legal entities, while the company reserves the right to claim from the supervisor or guardian any orders that will be placed by legally incompetent persons.

Your order is completed upon its acceptance by Bisque Workshop by sending a written confirmation (confirmation email) to you at the email address (email) you indicated when submitting the order. In the event that you do not receive an order confirmation message, please contact Bisque Workshop at bisqueskopelosisland@gmail.com to request that your order be successfully submitted

For any order cancellation (total or partial) you should send an email to bisqueskopelosisland@gmail.com, or call 2424022492. This possibility is given to you, strictly, for one hour after placing the order. After this point it is not possible to cancel and you can now return and change your order once you have received it. In this case you will be charged for shipping (shipping and return) and the products will be returned to the company. Returned products must be in perfect condition and in closed packaging as they were received. 


All items are available unless "Out of Stock" is displayed. Please be aware that even if an item is in your shopping cart, it can be purchased by another customer if you have not completed your order. If the product you wish to purchase is out of stock, please contact us at bisqueskopelosisland@gmail.com to find out if you can place an order.

No contract between us is formed before we accept your order. If your order is not accepted and a charge has already been made, we will refund any amounts charged in full.